Love His Church
"... You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Matthew 22:39b
Love His Church
"... You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Matthew 22:39b
We are designed by God to function together in community, and as we learn to live life together, we experience God's church as He intends it to be. To care for the church is to care for each other. That’s why we encourage everyone at Shiloh to get connected with other believers. We want to make sure that everyone at Shiloh will be known and loved by God and by their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. There are many ways to get connected into community here at Shiloh.
We are designed by God to function together in community, and as we learn to live life together, we experience God's church as He intends it to be. To care for the church is to care for each other. That’s why we encourage everyone at Shiloh to get connected with other believers. We want to make sure that everyone at Shiloh will be known and loved by God and by their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. There are many ways to get connected into community here at Shiloh.
We are designed by God to function together in community, and as we learn to live life together, we experience God's church as He intends it to be. To care for the church is to care for each other. That’s why we encourage everyone at Shiloh to get connected with other believers. We want to make sure that everyone at Shiloh will be known and loved by God and by their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. There are many ways to get connected into community here at Shiloh.

We believe that everyone should be discipled and every mature believer should be discipling someone else. This happens when we meet together through Essential Growth classes, Community Groups, Bible Studies and Transformation Groups.
No matter what stage of life you are in, we want to walk life alongside you. Our Care Ministry provides biblically based care to those who need help. We offer Pastoral Counseling, Celebrate Recovery, GriefShare, Marriage Ministry and a Food Pantry.
God has given us each unique gifts to build up His church. Volunteering on a church ministry team is a great way to build relationships with others who love serving the Lord and His church. Helping others can be a blessing to everyone, including you! Learn more.

We believe that everyone should be discipled and every mature believer should be discipling someone else. This happens when we meet together through Essential Growth classes, Community Groups, Bible Studies and Transformation Groups.
No matter what stage of life you are in, we want to walk life alongside you. Our Care Ministry provides biblically based care to those who need help. We offer Pastoral Counseling, Celebrate Recovery, Grief Share, Marriage Ministry and a Food Pantry.
God has given us each unique gifts to build up His church. Volunteering on a church ministry team is a great way to build relationships with others who love serving the Lord and His church. Helping others can be a blessing to everyone, including you! Learn more.