Upcoming Shiloh Events

Upcoming Shiloh Events

Upcoming Shiloh Events

Various Dates & Times

Easter Weekend

Join us for Easter weekend at Shiloh!  This is a great weekend to get connected with community.  We have many activities for children and for everyone to grow deeper in their faith!

Good Friday Service on April 18 @ 6:30 PM

Annual Egg Hunt on April 19 @ 10:00 AM
Quail Run Elementary School 34th St & Utopia.

Easter Sunday Services April 20
8:00 AM | 9:30 AM |11:00 AM

Women's Bible Study

Women's Bible Study starts on April 3 meeting Thursday mornings (9:30 AM) and evenings (7:00 PM).  The study will be going through the book
"What Love Is: The Letters of 1, 2 & 3 John". Sign up here.

Candy Donations Needed

We need a lot of candy for our upcoming Egg Hunt.  Donations should be individually wrapped, non chocolate candy.  Donations can be dropped off on Sundays or at the Church office Monday - Thursday 9am-4pm.

Egg Hunt Volunteers needed

We need many volunteers to make our annual egg hunt a success. There are a variety of different ways you can help, sign up here!

Sign Up for Email Notifications

If you would like to receive our weekly emails about announcements, events and other ways to get connected at Shiloh please fill out the form below. Email blasts are sent out every Thursday.

Sign Up for Email Notifications

If you would like to receive our weekly emails about announcements, events and other ways to get connected at Shiloh please fill out the form below. Email blasts are sent out every Thursday.

Sign Up for Email Notifications

If you would like to receive our weekly emails about announcements, events and other ways to get connected at Shiloh please fill out the form below. Email blasts are sent out every Thursday.