Celebrate Recovery at Shiloh

Come find hope, healing, and freedom from anything keeping you from the life God has planned for you!

Is Celebrate Recovery a Fit for Me? 

One of the biggest misconceptions about Celebrate Recovery is that it is only for people who struggle with drug or alcohol addiction. That could not be further from the truth. In fact, out of all of the people who attend Celebrate Recovery around the world, ⅔ of them come for an issue other than drugs or alcohol.

Some of the reasons people attend CR are: codependency, anger issues, sexual addiction, adult child of family dysfunction, eating disorders, control issues, perfectionism, anxiety, depression, sexual, physical, emotional or mental abuse, and that’s just to name a few. We truly believe that everyone can benefit from Celebrate Recovery!

If there’s any issue in your life that is holding you back or causing you pain, Celebrate Recovery is a fit for you! 

Celebrate Recovery at Shiloh Community Church

Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Christ centered recovery program for anyone struggling with a hurt, habit, hangup or addiction of any kind. CR is a safe and confidential place to find healing and freedom from anything controlling our lives … anything keeping us from the life God has planned for us.

We meet on Tuesday evenings, starting with dinner at 6:00pm and worship and meeting time from 6:45-8:30pm.

If the CR at Shiloh CC is not the right group for you, check out a full list of anonymous groups here. Our goal is to ensure that every person who wants healing in this area of their life is able to find it.

If you need to contact the ministry leader of Celebrate Recovery at Shiloh please fill out the form below and Elizabeth Plantenga will get back to you as soon as she is able.

*Anyone 18+ are welcome, no registration needed. Childcare is provided

“Celebrate Recovery showed me my substance use was an outward behavior of something hurting deeply within… once I recognized this I was able to address those places and found great freedom and healing.”


“My life was unmanageable and now I have hope.” 


“Celebrate Recovery brought me and my family out of addiction, instilling hope into our lives.” 


“Celebrate Recovery provided the tools and knowledge to replace constant worry, codependency, and anxiety with the peace that comes from God.”


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We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the confidential form below to get started.